Strengthen Your Abs with 3 Core Workouts at Home

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Noureen @ 8fit
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Noureen @ 8fit
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Core workouts at home or the gym are an essential part of a well-rounded fitness regime. Why exactly? Before you understand the importance of your core, you probably want to know what your core exactly is — and yes, it’s more than just your abs. Your core is comprised of an intricate series of muscles (excluding your arms and legs) and is pivotal in almost every movement you execute as well as stabilizing movement and maintaining posture. Having a strong core pretty much holds you together and dictates how the rest of your body will move.

Getting started with core workouts can seem intimidating – but fear not. You don’t need to spend hours working out at the gym. Instead, we’ve got an easy routine for you to perform from the comfort of your own home. Make it a part of your daily life to supplement other exercises like a walk, run or an 8fit workout.

If you’re looking to get a lean physique and more definition around your core area as well as strengthen it, then focusing on nutrition is a must. Take a holistic approach to your training routine and on top of adding core workouts at home create healthy meals and wholesome snacks to help achieve your desired results.

Our core belief

Try reframing your goal and focus on the multitude of benefits that core workouts at home can add to your everyday life rather than fixate on the aesthetic results. We’re not saying that you shouldn’t strive for toned abs, but we believe that if you shift your attention to improving your health and condition instead, the optics will simply follow suit.

Your core

As we touched on earlier, your core is made up of a complex set of muscles that are more than just your abs. The muscles around your midsection (both front and back) are interconnected, stretching from your pelvis and diaphragm to the back and hips. This is what provides strength and stability to both your upper and lower body.

We’re mentioning this as it’s a common misconception that having a strong core just means having a set of washboard abs. When in fact, the abdominals are just a fraction of your core muscles. Of course, working on your core can help produce a flat tummy and toned abs, but the exercises that make up these core workouts encompass more than just crunches.

These workouts are part of what’s known as functional core training, and they’re all about strength, power, and stabilization of the spine in your everyday movements. A stable core creates a solid base for your body, improving your posture and allowing you to perform controlled movements to the best of your ability. Core stability is not only useful when playing sports but also doing any day-to-day movements like lifting and carrying heavy objects.

If you struggle with back pain, poor posture or are susceptible to recurring injuries, it’s probably due to an unstable (aka weak) core. When you work on strengthening your core, you support the betterment of your posture, developing a stronger lumbar curve and aligning your spine.

Curious as to what muscles comprise your core?

  • Hip adductors

  • Hip flexors

  • Transverse abdominals

  • Internal oblique

  • External oblique

  • Gluteus medius

  • Gluteus minimus

  • Gluteus maximus

  • Hamstrings

  • Piriformis

  • Erector spinae

  • Rectus abdominis

  • Multifidus

Core workouts at home

Now that we’ve gone through the anatomy and importance of your core, it’s time to work those muscles! We’ve put together a short Tabata workout just for you, where you perform each exercise for 20 seconds, with a 10-second rest in between each exercise. Repeat until you’ve done this eight times. These bodyweight core workouts at home can be done anywhere not just at home — give them a go if you’re on a trip, at the office, or in the park. Whether you’re a workout beginner or a pro, you can adapt the reps to meet your current fitness level.

Workout #1: Plank jacks

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 Muscles involved: Obliques, shoulders, glutes, triceps

Count: Count one every time you return to start position


  1. Place your hands on the floor directly underneath your shoulders, with legs straight behind, feet together and toes curled under

  2. Tense every muscle to keep your body in a straight line from head to toes throughout

  3. Keeping your core engaged, jump feet wide apart

  4. Jump feet back together


  • Maintain a long neck long and shoulders back, down and away from ears

  • Don’t sink into your shoulders

  • Keep your hips still and body in a straight line

Workout #2: V-ups

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Muscles involved: Abs, quadriceps

Count: Hold for 20 seconds


  1. Start seated with your knees pulled towards your chest and feet flat on the floor

  2. Release your legs and extend them both upwards to create a ‘V’ shape with your back straight

  3. Hold for 20 seconds

  4. Slowly reverse movement back to start position


  • Maintain a long neck long with shoulders back, down and away from ears

  • Keep knees and feet close together

Workout #3: Plank to push-up

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Muscles involved: Abs, shoulders, glutes, triceps

Count: Count one every time you return to start position. Alternate sides.


  1. Place your elbows on the floor directly underneath your shoulders with your forearms parallel, legs straight behind, feet together and toes curled under

  2. Tense every muscle to keep your body in a straight line from head to toes

  3. Push up with one hand then the other until you’re in a push-up position

  4. Reverse the movement and lower back down to elbows one arm at a time to return to start position


  • Maintain a long neck long with shoulders back, down and away from ears

  • Don’t sink into your shoulders

  • Keep hips still and body in a straight line

  • Breathe slowly and steadily, don’t hold your breath

The domino effect

The core workouts above, when done regularly (approx 3-4 times a week) and as part of an active lifestyle, will improve your daily functional movements, balance, and posture. Then, when twinned with healthy eating, these core workouts will get you closer to a toned and tight midsection.

Want even more targeted core workouts as well as HIIT and yoga? Then sign up for 8fit Pro and take advantage of expertly designed training sessions and healthy meal plans curated for your by expert nutritionists.

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